Dune: The House Sindri Chronicles - Season 2

After recovering from the unfortunate accident on the hunt the players attended the banquet that evening. There was a fair amount of general RP bantering between the players and NPCs, with a hint from Lady Varrick allowing them to avoid the other part of the two-stage poison that had been introduced previous evening. Merely a mild poison to disable rather than kill, but would have caused penalties if they had failed a resistance roll.

Part way through the dinner various people began to get messages pinging through their personal communicators on emergency bands. A Heighliner had just arrived in orbit and reports had been received that House Ecaz had declared formal Kanly upon House Ezharian.

As the players began to discuss the implications, an explosion went off outside and the House Shield activated. Followed shortly by the House Shield failing…
With the Na-count Marcello Ezharian being whisked away, Natha rallied the Cheruf Houses to her. A call which only Tethys and Dahl heeded. Hallas and Karasu choosing to stand apart.

Leaving the main hall the group saw fighting in the complex and decided to make a run for it in some of the transport vehicles along with their entourage and those of Tethys and Dahl.
After foiling an ambush attempt Ashton & Natha acted as a rear-guard to delay the enemy assassins who had been disguised as House Ezharian servants.
While Natha did well in stalling her opponents Ashton’s player suffered abysmal luck while his opponent had remarkable success. Ashton did successfully defeat his opponent he was badly wounded (both combatants almost used up their Battle Skill). Rescued by the others in the vehicles they fled the Ezharian Estate leaving burning buildings in their wake.

After reaching safety and making it to the main spaceport they discovered that the Na-Count, Lord Hallas and the cousin of Princep Karasu were all missing after the attack.
House Ezharian was in uproar and the secret war between them and House Ecaz was now well and truly in the open.

Returning to Cheruf the players began plotting as to how to use this chaos to their advantage…

A map I created of the House Ezharian lodge. Stupid me accidently labelled it House Ecaz… :laughing: Which may have given the game away to my players at the start of the session.

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