Hello all
This is my first new topic so please be gentle. I’ve had a good read through the Agents of Dune box-set and am really hyped about running the game. I’ve run into a few issues in my prep (I’m very into prepping as much as I can before an RPG campaign) which I hoped perhaps you guys may have an answer to
I appreciate that some of the below may have no answer at this time, I just don’t want to contradict things that are going to happen in the Masters of Dune book when it comes out as my plans are to run that as the follow up to the box-set
Okay so my questions (there may be some mild spoilers here so if you’re going to be a player for Agents of Dune you may wish to skip)
- Countess Nagara is the head of House Nagara. There’s no mention of a husband/partner and the kids are named as heirs. What happened to their dad / other parent? Is it relevant to the plot?
- I assume as the Harkonen’s are in the game, as is Baron Harkonen, that Emperor Shaddam IV is Emperor?
- Are House Atreidis still a factor in the game universe? I’d plan not to use them to avoid treading the same path as the novels but was curious
- I’ve got a 6th player keen to join us for the Agents of Dune campaign box so I’ve said we’ll generate a new character. I thought perhaps a courtier or a Suk doctor. Anyone got any ideas what may make for a good option?
Do you forsee major balance issues or does the added threat take care of that?
I think that’s all for now. I will try to do an AAR / write up once we get going!
Thanks for reading and, hopefully, responses!