The short campaign has now come to an end. It was interesting… I haven’t run Dune for such a bloodthirsty bunch of sociopaths before. Though I know all the players so I shouldn’t have been surprised.
One thing to note first is the Kriegs player wanted him to have a lasgun in his Tleilaxu cybernetic arm. He made a create asset roll and got a natural 20. Yep, all installed fine, no problems…
They started by ensuring the loyalty of the House Reyder Council by means of slow acting poisons and intimidation. Dr Kines demonstrating why he is often mistaken as a Twisted Mentat.
Having manipulated House Reyder into acting as catspaw for them in the Odinani system the party moved onto causing as much chaos as they could.
For this I used a version of one of my favourite tools. The spice bloom tokens from the starter set.
Here I used the 0-2 tokens to represent how much opposition they would be facing on each task they undertook. 0 meant very little opposition, +2 meant they were facing House Guards and agents.
They started off with a distraction raid on the storage facilities near the main spaceport. They got lucky in that they flipped over a 0 to start off with so only the local security guards were present. With Krieg commanding his forces from a distance and De’ath, now renamed Shadow, taking a more personal interest in it. It was, unsurprisingly, a massacre.
I like to give my players what they want in a game and so Shadow’s player was happy keeping track of his kills…
Elsewhere the more subtle team of Dr Kine & Ashley were infiltrating a communications hub to disrupts communications across the system.
With a mixture of stealth and blackmail/bribery they were able to avoid the slightly heavier security and install their own agents in the staff to slowly degrade the systems. Broken equipment, mislaid messages, wrong connections. Nothing critical at first, just cumulative impacts.
With their first missions successful they decided to hit one of the main processing plants in the system. This time however they flipped over a +2, House Novebruns was ready for them.
Taking over an ore shuttle they attempted to infiltrate the processing facility, but were diverted to a nearby military base due to their being off schedule.
With their plans thrown out they decided to bluff until they were in position to launch an ambush. The initial attack went well, but facing well trained and equipped House troops they were in trouble.
It was at this point that Krieg decided to try and intimidate the enemy. Revealing his lasgun he threatened to fire it at the shielded troops. The player doing a good impression of an unhinged madman. Then he rolled another complication. I decided to run with his comment of “It’s gone and fired hasn’t it?”. Never trust anything made by the Tleilaxu.
I was nice, I only blew his arm off. The resulting massive explosion amongst the House Novebruns troops was devastating however. The party used the opportunity to make a swift withdrawal. Their initial objective was failed, but they had still caused mass chaos and casualties.
While lying low at their base, a space station in the asteroid belt they were hailed by incoming Novebruns vessels who ordered them to stand down and prepare to be boarded on suspicion of harbouring criminals wanted for piracy and possible breaches of the Great Convention…
This was run as the reverse of Act 3, The Mercenary Base of the Masters of Dune Spacing Guild chapter. The players were the ones defending, while I was attacking.
Initially things went well for the Novebruns forces who succeeded in boarding the station, which is where things started to go wrong for them.
Shadow was having much better rolls this week, with his forces inflicting serious damage on the Novebruns forces. Dr Kines also played a significant role with his control of the space combat forces leading to an eventual crushing defeat on the Novebrun vessels.
Having succeeded creating havoc in the system and defeating the retaliatory strike against them I called the campaign at this point. House Harkonnen was now well placed to take the system from House Novebruns as they were clearly unable to control the fief.
There will be some fall out and the PCs are going to have lie low for some time after the mess of the lasgun/shield incident.
A short campaign, more of a long one-shot really. It took me to the final session to get the balance of what the De’ath/Shadow player wanted (violence mainly), but the other 3 had plenty of fun on all 3 sessions with their plotting and scheming. There were plenty of Dune moments (and a few which I didn’t feel were quite in keeping, but were fun to run).
I might do a couple of one-offs for the club, but I think I am Dune campaigned out for a bit.