Can't leave a review

Is there a reason I can’t leave a review for the RPG expansion on the store web page? The store still says it’s a pre-order.

When I look at it in the store it doesn’t say anything about preorder, it does have the option for purchase and the review button is available and functions.

You might try refreshing your browser.

Here is the link I’m talking about.

Still says pre-order, but that’s the page I ordered mine from.

I didn’t see the review button way down at the bottom. Maybe put it at the top where the review stars are and it says “no reviews yet”?


Its at the bottom, right after Related Products and Customer Reviews. Its the blue button with a buch of writing on it. If it’s still not there, you will need to contact to see what may be wrong.

I did find it, way down there, as I mentioned. But it still says Pre-order August at the top, in red font.
