About the Skyrim Adventure Board Game: Rules and FAQ category

A place to ask rules/FAQ questions for The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Adventure Board Game.

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Hi together,

I have a question about the Altmer passive ability after learning Illusion: is it mandatory to re-roll the enemy die when using an illusion spell or is it only optional? Because the ability might also be counterproductive e.g. when the enemy would miss its attack.

Thanks a lot for clarifying!

Hi! If a quest says „clear 360, 361 and 362” do i fight the enemies all at once or one by one? What about “clear 2 [undead icon]”? One by one or all at once?

Hello, are there any limitations on trading in the game? Since Skyrim is known for getting over encumbered…
I had a game session in which a player invested 15 septims to buy iron at 3 septims each and later sells it at 7 each. Seems easy to gain 20 septims and do two city quests… Also there should be a limit on components in your inventory right?
Please help me out with this one. It really ruined our session the other night.
BR, Alex

Also how about the conjuring spells? It seems a bit stranger that you summon a mammoth, which would be overpowered

It is optional

Always one by one unless specified otherwise (all at one fe)

You can’t sell components…

Question about campaign 2 chapter 3. We failed quest 335, but the failure says to draw card 312 which states you can start chapter 2 at a penalty. This seems like a mistake, or it loops the game back in time functionally, so I’m not sure what the correct route is here.
Edit: I think it’s supposed to be card 337 (instead of 312), but official clarification would be appreciated

Hi, i was just wondering, when begining campaign two, are town and wilderness encounter cards that were completed and removed to the game box during campaign one returned from the game box back to their decks?

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That’s also what I would like to know, as it states that you return all cards to the respective decks.

As far as I can tell only the Blades cards are off the game (those that got off from failed quests)

Because we all start with our levels reset, it would be more difficult since we won’t have the same amount of Personal Quests we had when we started.

Also, in the first combat round, do all participating characters Sneak first or just the first one?

Thanks! Happy New Year!

I believe the rules mean any cards that are still on the board (draw pile, active and discard) go back to their respective decks. That is because the next paragraph under setup of Campaign 2 says “Any cards that were removed from the game during Campaign 1 will remain in the box.

Hi what happens when you run out of Event cards?

Is there Dual Wielding? How exactly does it work?
Difference between parrying and blocking?
Can I use Dawnguard equipment/spells (such as crossbow) in my standard (non Dawnguard) Skyrim campaigns? If so, how?
How do I use my from the ashes content in my standard Skyrim campaigns?

First of all loving the game. Question though going from campaign two chapter two into chapter three, do the previous world quests from the war stay in effect or do they go away moving into chapter 3?

Campaign 2 chapter 2 into says draw 410 and 416

Each of these is a separate faction quest and the guide says that it can be replaced with new quests, but nothing leads to 409 (which leads to 410) or 415 (which leads to 416). I didn’t see this in the official errata document.

Should this be draw 409 and 415 instead?

Im trying to figur out csrd 183 about thalmor is say something about evidence cards… i dont knkw what these are and where to get them

I cant seem to find any reference to the top of the character card multi color cubes 2 cubes then +1 cube then +1 cube… they are directly below the potions and trinkets. Please let me know what they are… driving me crazy.

I have a question about two items in the game. The first one is the ring of alchemy how does its effect work.
And the second one is s75 a heavy armor that has sneak can you use it in combat sneak