Tell me of the Landsraad

So, now you have the House creation rules tell me about your Houses.
What are you putting together?
What domains and enemies do they have?


House Minor
Primary Domain: Politics (Expertise: Social Planners)
Secondary Domain: Espionage (Produce: Information and Secrets)
Homeworld: Leonis (IV Delta Pavonis), a cold forested world neighbouring Caladan and on the edge of the system’s habitable zone. The world is not large but has a rich biosphere and is considered a game reserve. House Pallas owes allegiance to the Atreides Dukes and is known for hosting spectacular galas and events attended by numerous nobles from all tiers of society.
Banners and Arms: A white owl on a silver field. Their colours are White and Silver.
Traits: Political, Manipulative
Enemies: House Karanov seeks the downfall of Pallas, exerting considerable efforts towards their destruction. Karanov once owned Leonis and sought to fulfil the function that Pallas does now, but found themselves expertly outmanoeuvred and mired in scandal.

Took a liberty or two with the Delta Pavonis system, can’t recall the books saying Caladan was the only habitable world in there - but hey, my game! :grinning:

So far, we have one PC created, Lukas Balaskas, Mentat Advisor to the House. Game is looking awesome btw, think it captures “Dune” perfectly.


This is the basis of the opponent House that my players will be initially facing. (Amy, stop reading) there are a few other things I am considering, but the core of the House is below. Feel free to make any comments or suggestions. Everything can always be improved. :slight_smile:

House Karasu
House Major

Primary Domain: Agricultural Produce
Secondary Domains: Espionage Expertise & Military Workers
Traits: Farmers, Deceptive
Emblem: A Sheaf of Wheat on a Shield Vert with a Chief Argent

House Karasu has ruled the fertile planet of Magor for over a thousand years and appears seemingly content to do so for a further thousand. Their grains and foodstuffs supply the needs of numerous planets and moons that are incapable of growing sufficient food for their own needs and the notable Aidani wines grace many a Great House table.
Of course such a bucolic appearance covers many darker stains. House Karasu is also widely known as a major purveyor of soldiers and assorted support personnel to whoever needs them. They have few qualms as to who they contract out their forces and, with the crushing boredom of an otherwise peaceful and constant life, a steady stream of young people willing to risk everything for some excitement and the chance for glory & wealth.
Less well known is the wide ranging information network that runs through the bustling spaceports that carry the produce of Magor throughout the Imperium. The spymasters of House Karsu sit at the heart of a beating network of information. Much of which is available to those in the know, though often the purchasers do not know who they are dealing with. Which is just how the House likes it.


Star System: Sarkany
Moons: One
Habitable: Class V
Noble House: Karasu
Primary Export: Agricultural produce & soldiers
Population: Scattered across the main continent in small towns, with a few major cities centred around spaceports
Languages: Gallach
Locations of Interest: Cardan Spaceport, Mount Idrassin and the Nest bunker.

The second planet in the Sarkany system, Magor is verdant world whose seemingly unending fields of grains can be easily seen from orbit. It’s copious exports feed many billions elsewhere in the Imperium and a constant stream of lighters and freighters come & go every day of it’s long year. A reputation as a quiet and boring place is spread by both those who seek adventure elsewhere as well as the Karasu spy network who would rather attention was directed elsewhere.

The first settlers to Magor found a world devoid of larger animals with the ice caps having only recently relinquished their claim on the main continent. With such a clean slate to work with the settlers spread out across the planet covering it with a network of farms and small settlements.
Ever since the founding of the Imperium its seasons have passed with little change. House Majors come and go at the whim of the CHOAM directorate that controls the rights to the planet. House Karasu is the longest lasting of these, always seeming to have enough votes to sway the position of the board in it’s favour, even when others were certain they had the upper hand.

Small towns form the centres of vast fields which constantly funnel their produce to the few cities which process, package and ultimately ship it off-world. For those in the towns there is two options; to remain and tend the fields or sign up for service elsewhere. Most who sign up will never return, but enough do so to feed the desire of the next generation. Such desire is helped by the unique tontine system of enlistment that is practiced on Magor. The wages of all in a company are pooled beyond what is needed to live. At the end of the 20 years of service the pot is split between the survivors. For those who have fought through the most intensive campaigns the wealth can be astounding. Though few realise just how little this allows House Karasu to actually pay them…

Magor is a largely temperate planet with large plains covering much of the single continent that stretches around the equatorial band. Whilst numerous islands inhabit the Northern & Southern oceans few are occupied and even fewer given much concern by House Karasu.
Thick ice caps cover the poles and are slowly retreating, threatening to release their immense reserves of frozen water and inundate the coastal regions.

Points of Interest
The capital city and largest metropolis on Magor by some margin is Carden Spaceport. Bustling at all times of day it is the perfect place to come and go undetected making it a favourite transfer point for all sorts of illicit cargos moving through the Guild channels. House Karasu largely ignores such transactions as long as they don’t remain on-planet for long.
Mount Idrassin is the tallest mountain on the planet, though not impressive by many worlds standards. Many monasteries & seminaries dot it’s flanks, their occupants elevated above the common folk both literally and spiritually.
Few know of the existence of the Nest Bunker. It is buried beneath the Cardan Spaceport and it’s many passages exit throughout the city. From within the spymasters of House Karasu control their web of agents. To Fly the Nest means that an agent has passed their training and is considered competent enough to be sent on missions.


The Nascent house behind another plot point that might come up in the game I am planning. Whether ally or enemy will depend on the players actions.

House Dhal
Nascent House

Secondary Domains: Military Machinery
Traits: Military, Ambitious
Emblem: Five Sable Pentagrams on a Shield Or

House Dhal has only recently been recognised by the Great House Ophelion for their skill in the production of Pentashields for use in high security areas and escape routes.
The head of the family is Chevalier Talitha Dhal, though her parents are still alive. It was through her actions controlling the family company that brought her to the attention of Earl Ophelion who saw in her a valuable piece to add to his board in the great game of the Landsraad.
Dhal style Pentashields are now finding favour amongst the Major Houses the two main suppliers in the Imperium got into a War of Assassins with each other, crippling both their production and the reputation of their products.

This rise in station has fired the ambition in Talitha and is now pushing her to drive House Dhal to even greater heights. In her desire for more power she is now considering slipping hidden overrides into some of the Houses’ products. After all a side line in Assassinations could prove very lucrative in the future.
Whether she can steer the House through the turbulent shoals to Great house status remains to be seen. But what is certain is that many will die on the journey…


House Ilarion
Nascent House

First domain Artistic produce- Exotic fishtanks
Secondary domain Espionage Machinery
Traits Perfectionism, discretion
Emblem Red Betta Fish on a black shield with a blue border

Homeworld Caladan. House have an Island that has been given by Duke Leto, who is a Liege Lord for House Ilarion. They produce beautiful, exotic fish tanks, that are become famous in noble houses and is fashionable to have them as a show of wealth.
Loyal to House Atreides, will fulfil any order that will be given by Duke.


I’m going back into the past for my next one. These two House Minors were the protagonist and antagonist of my first Dune game back in 2001/2002. They were created under the LUG system so I have taken liberties to bring them into the Modiphius system but it gives you an idea of what my players came up with House Cuervo and what they were facing in House Kodos.

House Cuervo
Minor House

Primary Domain: Military Expertise
Secondary Domain: Industrial Produce (Mining)

House Cuervo is a young House under the Great House Wallach. Their fief consists of the western region of the southern continent Matirana of Wallach VII. A mountainous territory which holds considerable mineral wealth.
House Cuervo’s main strength lies in their military academies. Many of House Wallachs officers have passed through their halls and even other Major Houses have sought out their training expertise.
Recent years have been turbulent for the House though. A rebellion in their fief led to many deaths and a cold war with fellow minor House Kodos has recently been heating up, in no small measure to suspicions as to who was behind the rebellion.
Now with Prince Wilton Cuervo poised to become the Regent-Governor the fear is that the impetuous young heir will take more active measures and formally declare Kanly against House Kodos.

House Kodos
Minor House

Primary Domain: Espionage Workers
Secondary Domain: Farming Produce (Aquaculture)

The knife sinister in House Wallachs arsenal, House Kodos is a long established servant. Millenia of service in the shadows has bred both a finely honed skill as well a sense of bitterness to those who can walk in the light. Nowhere is this more demonstrated than in Governor Mariah Kodos, a former spymaster herself who is known to hold many a grudge.
As the premier intelligence services on Wallch they have manipulated many events on the planet with their plots and agents. Recently though several of their schemes have gone awry, though nothing has been able to be officially traced back to them. The loss of Sysselraad representative Alfonzo Gennet to a suspicous boating accident a few years back also severely damaged their diplomatic standing.
With House Cuervo preparing to face them in the open will their subtle moves be able to counter the bold ones of their opponents?


Necroing this thread to do an updated version of my players House Sindri with the new rules from The Great Game.

House Sindri
House Minor

Primary Domain: Industrial - Produce
Secondary Domain: Science - Understanding
Traits: Extreme Miner, Tenacious
Emblem: A Stylized Or flame within a brazier on a Tenné base.
Fuedal Lord House Ezharian

Resources: 18
Wealth: 52 (22 available)

Key Personnel
Ruler: Lady Jing-Mei Sindri (23F)
Heir: Antonio Sindri (23M) (Twin Brother)
Marshall: Gaius Reinhild (M)
Spymaster: Jacinta Sindri (F) (Bene Gesserit Trained)
Treasurer: Anjur Militades (M)
Warmaster: Daniel Santo (M)
Envoy: Sorel Vriani (M) (Player Character)
Swordmaster: Natha Osgar (Player Character)

Military Power: Ground Defence - House SIndri has a small, but well trained force. As of yet, however, it has no real space fleet to prevent a landing in the first place.
Population Loyalty: Acceptance - While acknowledged by the population, only a few members of House Sindri have ever been truly loved.
Lifestyle: Noble - Though some past rulers have certainly been prepared to live a wealthy lifestyle the previous Lord reined in most of the more extravagant expenses.

House Sindri is a fairly young House by Imperium standards, having it’s founding only a few hundred years ago when the prior House was wiped out in an accidental volcanic eruption. Only the prompt action by the Chief engineer of the House prevented a greater loss than the capital city. For this, and subsequent actions, he was elevated to House Minor status. Any rumours as to the cause of the original accident have long since passed into the mists of time.
Proudly industrious, House Sindri specialise in mining the many volcanoes in the east of the main Cheruf continent. Often looked down on due to their House’s age and position as a ‘mere’ resource extractor, House Sindri has none the less managed to grow fast and now finds itself constrained in it’s fealty to House Ezharian.

Family Tree 2



Star System: Methuselah
Moons: 2
Habitable: Class IV
Feudal House: Ezharaian
Primary Export: Agricultural produce & Rare metals
Population: Focussed mainly in the West of the main continent where the fertile soil produces bountiful harvests. The East of the continent is sparsely populated, predominantly around mining and refining facilities.
Languages: Gallach
Locations of Interest: Irkalla, Mount Idrassin and the Ruins of Ganzir.

The forth planet in the Methuselah system, Cheruf is a tectonically active planet that is still cooling and as such it’s crust is comparatively thin. A single continent occupies the southern hemisphere with only small island chains elsewhere on the planet, none of them of any significance.
Volcanic action has brought many rare ores to the surface, making mining a highly valuable, if dangerous, activity.

A minor planet in the Imperium, Cheruf does not have the intensity of more profitable planets and as such has never received the attention needed to unlock it’s true potential. The ever present risk of volcanic eruption and subsequent clouds of ash also dissuade would be investors.
House Ezharian controls the fief, but delegate almost all of their duties to House Hallas. As long as the tithes come in, they are content to leave Cheruf to it’s own devices.
As such the House Minors on Cheruf are closer than is normal, with a high degree of marriages and connections between them.

From the fertile plains of Karasu to the roasting hot mines of Sindri, a great importance is put on the production of resources. Whilst the arts are not completely neglected they are definitely seen as inferior in Cherufian culture.
Harvest festivals are a significant element in the calendar, even in the arid east where equivalent festivals are celebrated around the dates of major resource finds. It is expected for Nobles to sponsor such events and, with suitable security precautions, attend the larger ones. The rivalry between different festivals can become quite heated, especially in Karasu territory, where the addition of the great monasteries and seminaries to the mix bring a religious fervour to activities.
Followers of the Salivatory Bible are the most common denomination on Cheruf. With several major religious establishments across the continent, though concentrated in Karasu territory. A peculiarity of this branch of the OC bible is the pre-eminence of Llamas in their religious texts, as such Llama milk alcohol is highly prized across the planet.

The volcanoes in the west of the continent are largely dormant, having left behind a rich soil that can sustain extensive agriculture and forestry. The east is home to several active volcanoes and much of the land here is covered in ash that has not yet broken down, making agriculture a risky business at best.
With steady westerly breezes the temperatures in the west are cooler than those of the East, giving a climate akin to Old Terra’s Mediterranean regions, climbing steadily as you progress into Sindri territory. The south-east of the continent is home only to a few mining facilities clinging to the coast and the ruins of Ganzir, standing only to mock any who consider settling beyond the mountain chain.

Points of Interest
Irkalla is the capital of House Sindri and while not the largest city on the planet, certainly the most influential. Being the location of the Sindri palace and the largest spaceport. It is also the only location on the planet with a permanent Spacing Guild presence, a legacy of the Houses importance in supplying certain important ores used in Heighliner construction.
Standing mostly in Karasu lands Mount Idrassin is the tallest mountain on the planet, though not impressive by many worlds standards. Many monasteries & seminaries dot it’s flanks, their occupants elevated above the common folk both literally and spiritually.
Lying in the shadow of an active volcano the Ruins of Ganzir stand as testimony the destructive power that lies just below the surface of Cheruf. In it’s day it was a marvel of environmental engineering, cooling the surrounding terrain and keeping the city a pleasant temperature. Nowadays few brave its shattered buildings, despite rumours that the House vaults were never breached and still await a determined adventurer.


Where or how did you make that map?

I had it commissioned for my campaign from Tiffany Muroe (Twitter: @FeedMultiverse)

They did a variety of versions for me with different layers (Roads, settlements, seminaries, etc…)
It was mainly for commemorating the game but I did get to use in a warfare scenario near the end of the second season and it was glorious…


Thank you, it is really fantastic art work for a map.