Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

Hey, @Modiphius-SteveH is it possible to divide up the thread to have one discussion about the tool and one about the methods? The latter was off-topic, anyway. Thanks!


Is there any current indication of when the Creator would be updated for the Delta and Gamma Quadrant books?


And the Voyager PCs for that matter.

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I would love to know the same thing. Any official word yet?

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Is there a way to make the generator kick out the talent’s full text (similar to an NPC/Pre-Gen charatcer)? This would be great, especially for new players that don’t know the talents well.

Updated with Gamma content. Delta and Voyager to come as the third party developer has time.

Not sure about full talent text. I asked them to add page references at least. I imagine Modiphius probably wants to be careful about how much rules text to include for free on the app.


That makes sense. It’s not a huge deal (players can write it out on the back of the sheet), but it would be spiffy.

I suppose that’s the kind of thing that would require people to be able to certify which books they own so there wouldn’t be cheating. I can understand that.

Just heard that DELTA content has been added as well. Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Will there be (in future upgrades) a way to enter customized information (races, ship classes…etc.)? Will there be a “Frankenstein Fleet” option for ships?

This makes sense, however the entirety of that rules text is already in the app?

On a different point, would it be very difficult to get the app to output something that would “talk” to systems like Roll20, to be able to import character sheets a little easier?

I very much love this app, and would definitely have much less well developed NPCs and pregen characters if it didnt exist!

I know this was two years ago… but couldn’t you had just entered a date that would have let you use the ship, and cross it out and write the new date in? And just make sure you keep track of refits?

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Will there be a Klingon version as well? (I can’t really see the KDF version being shoe-horned in to the Starfleet version, especially with the House option during the lifepath.)

Also, when it was down, even though the internet archive version worked (without pdf export), I had wondered about an offline version. It’s perhaps worth noting that anyone can download the html, css, and javascript files for their own offline version (a few modifications may be necessary). There are a few issues, and it doesn’t export to pdf, but until/unless there’s an official offline version, it may work for some people.

TBD on any revisions or if there’ll be a Klingon version. Bumping this to raise visibility of the tool.


Bumping this again to find out if anything has been decided about revisions or a Klingon Version…

Gonna bump this again in hopes of a Klingon version of the online generator - which would be awesome.


First, I want to say that it’s awesome
Some suggestions :

  • more place for talents, and the description of the talent inserted
    -same for the racial trait
  • For starships a page for each bridge station with possible actions that depends on era and ship
  • Positive Reinforcement question: since it’s a Ship counselor talent you can’t have it with the character creator since ship position is chosen after the last talent. Bug or feature ? (also true if you do this with lifepath by the book)
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It’s an independent third party working on it. I think they posted their contact information at some point, along with the source code. I believe they’re looking for someone to continue the work. Until that happens, I don’t know if the builder will be updated with new content or if there will be a Klingon version.

I checked out the code a while back, and the key quibble for me was that the project requires Visual Studio to build. I keep thinking about trying to make it work under Visual Studio Code (which is a different thing than just Visual Studio, and is also free and cross-platform), but haven’t really begun that.


That should be trivial. However, I used VS Community which is free.

Yeah, but… Windows.

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