Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

I prefer your two page version, as I like the rules breakdowns available for quick reference.

A little less !
I’ll be back !

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Ok I’m done for today… :yawning_face:

More or less all the corebook is translated, as well as the "app specific * " and “game specific”
The solo/early outlook/utopiaplanitia etc part is still to be done.
The problem is that there is no official translation of these books yet to my knowledge.

I could translate it myself, but “my” translation will conflict with the “canon” translation whenever there is one.
And it is a huge job.
Should I?

Thanks for the app, :kissing_heart: and the opportunity to contribute ! It will be MUCH better if my player can understand the talents etc to chose , without having me to translate !

Let me know when it’s online ! I’ll send my players looking for error while they create their character :smiling_imp:

  • Ho, and I didn’t and will never do the hair and nose etc translation… soooo many of them, soooo difficult to translate and soooo… pointless ! I mean, the image is self explanatory, right !!! :grin:

I certainly don’t have a “fixed in stone” order that I’ve been tackling them in. I’ve kinda-sorta been thinking about tackling the Discover 23rd-Century uniforms next. But often hearing that someone is keen about a particular thing prompts me to bump that up the priority list.


I can understand how, if it’s a big job, you’d rather not undertake that now. But even if you did a translation now, it could always be changed, later, to bring it in line with the official one.

Thanks for the translations. Can I credit you on the credits page? As djapipol, or something else?


Also: I’ve pushed a new version, now.

no credit needed ! But you/people can contact me if any specific need or error !

Ok ! some more french to update ! Translation takes more time than copy/pasting from a PDF, lol !

When you’re choosing a mission profile, the stats have been translated, but not the talents. I couln’t find where to change it…
any idea?

I think that’s a gap on my end. I’ll need to fix that.

Thanks for pointing it out!


I translated the added focuses.

I’m not sure of some of the meanings :

“attack run” means running before an attack? kinda like a charge?
“glancing impact” … no Idea what “glancing” means in this context…
“lead by example” . without context or pronunciation, I don’t know whether the character leads or is lead…
“strafing run” has nothing to do with running, as I understood, but more about “pew pew pew” right?
“Tracking” as in looking for animal tracks, using a tracking device or in another meaning?

Thanks for the help

“attack run” and “strafing run” are both maneuvers. Whereas the “attack run” can be used more or less interchangeably with “attack pattern” or “aggressive maneuver” etc., a “strafing run” is a specific maneuver where the attacking plane (or, ship, that is, in Star Trek) dives down on its target in a straight path, all guns blazing, and going up again after passing.
So “run” in this context is meant as a synonym for “fast conduct of action” and “running” here is used as a symbol not as the actual movement action.

A “glancing” impact is not a “normal” or “full” impact but a case of collision at an angle or on a already moving target, resulting in a much lower amount of energy transferred to the impacted object. For a very, very rudimentary example, consider two different scenarios of billiards/snooker shots: In the first scenario, you shoot the white ball, hitting a ball square. On impact, the movement energy of the white ball is completely transferred onto the other ball, so the white ball stops in its place and the other ball moves of with almost the same energy (yes, yes, friction & air resistance…). In the second scenario, you do not hit the other ball square but at an angle, only transferring a portion of the white ball’s movement energy. This is the scenario of a glancing hit, if I did my translation work correctly.
May please those with a better knowledge of English and/or physics correct me. :wink:

“lead by example” in the context of the Talent is an infinitive, so “to lead by example”. In any case, it is the character with the Talent who leads others.

In the context of Foci? Yes, and: probably both. :wink:

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Tracking can also mean, keeping your weapon focused on a target without firing.

Targeting sensors are tracking the asteroid, Captain. Phasers, Ready, Aye.

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Attack Run, approaching and intending to attack. The players ship or the enemy ship has turned toward and is approaching rapidly, weapons ready. Typically straight line with little maneuvering, using speed to avoid a counter attack.

Glancing impact, means that an attack has struck the target at a shallow angle, zero degrees would penetrate, but at 45 or 30 degrees the attack has not penetrated only damaging the armor or no damage at all.

Lead by example, The Officer in Charge, performs the work that they expect their subordinates to perform. Thus demonstrating how to perform a task correctly, and inspiring confidence in the Commander with the subordinates that the Commander knows this task in detail.

Strafing Run, is an attack typically by aircraft using cannon or machineguns to attack targets on the ground. Used on soft targets like unarmored trucks, personnel, or stored materials. The plane approaches either at a high angle firing straight down on targets or level and at tree top height. A Bombing or Rocket run would be the intent to hit to hit a ground target with those weapons, such as a bridge or radar installation.

Or, more broadly, demonstrating conduct they expect their subordinates to show. Have mercy with us officers who are actually not experts in NCO crafts NCOs are the best superior top experts in (and rightly so). :wink:

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I’m curious what other tools we’ll get in the Other tools section. Like there was a GM screen link a bit back that would be perfect for it.
What tools would everyone else like to see?

I’m using a custom website for my campaign. Tools from that I use frequently are:

  • Interactive character/ship sheets
  • Extended Task generator and tracker
  • Encounter builder
  • Technobabble generator

I can’t wait to play with the 2E update. Trying to be patient but its tough lol.

For the creator in its current state, the only things you should really need to update are adding a pastime, and checking the talents. The standard issue weapons are also modified, but the attributes, departments, and values are the same.


I’m typing as fast as I can!