Never once did my fingers leave my hand!
(But seriously: Thanks!)
Never once did my fingers leave my hand!
(But seriously: Thanks!)
I’m sure this is some idiom / in-joke. Because I do not understand.
Sorry. I think it’s something stage magicians used to say while distracting the audience before a slight-of-hand trick.
BCing you
Many thanks.
That being said, I’m also really thankful for your continuing mission to update the generator
I’m trawling through the older posts looking for feature requests. I think that these are most of the options:
I’m totally on board with this (I often make my own character sheets and putting the full Talent text is one of the things I do most frequently).
It might be interesting to share notes with the folks doing the other Roll20-like system extension.
Yeah, that sounds like an important feature.
justy noting that the app doesn’t allow for making klingon space frames just yet
Good point. Thanks for that.
no problem, I immediatly saw it and thought I’d point it out. won’t lie I like tinkering with ships in these things
Edit: BTW another feature that might be handy, and I’m not sure if it’s possiable, is a way to add in house rules etc for generation. this would be handy for folks who want to make use of a custom space frame etc
Hi y’all, just wanted to say your wonderful character generator is down.
The original 3rd party app is currently down; the revision work in progress works:
program won’t produce a sheet for starships eaither BTW
Ah. That’s because the original app is down. (Weirdly, the app originally sent all the data to a server process to render the character sheets. The starship part is the only part that I haven’t updated, so it’s still trying to talk to the old back-end).
I’ll see if I can do a work-around.
yeah bit odd as it’ll still produce sheets for officers, just not ships
I asked about the offline status of the STA Character Generator in a thread I posted today, and was told by an admin to “Refer to the other thread about the Character Generator.” I can only guess that he meant this thread. I’m reading that all is well and that everything is fine. However, the Generator is still offline for me. What am I missing here?
There is a revision that is a work in progress. It’s located at a different web address that is referenced a little further upthread.
As Jim says, try .
Yeah, I re-wrote the way it handles PDF sheets for characters and supporting characters because I wanted to support the Klingon character sheets. So, when you see it pop up the purple modal box asking what character sheet you want, it’s using the new mechanism. The starship creation is using the old mechanism.
Let me see what I can do.
might be worth holding off on it until you can do the KDF space frames and a Klingon specific ship sheet depending on how much extra work that’d be.
I don’t think holding up a feature that is used because of a new feature is a good idea.
I don’t know if this is the best place to point out bugs I’ve found, if I am making a character so far TNG era confirmed and I need to back up to an earlier point (realizing I built a character wrong or just doing quick runthroughs to find specific information for character creation step, etc) by using the History I at most can go back one step but no further so far and end up having to restart if I need to go further back.
Any further back I get a blank screen.