I feel the same, as Minions never get any Reaction at all, so even on the standard D2 Reaction, which Toughened, Nemesis and PCs get, they simply will be hit and often wiped out.
The Area quality adresses primarily all targets within Reach, which is true for all members of a Mob or a Squad, so they would simply get hit without any defense - even the Squad leader.
In Mutant Chronicles 3 the similar quality is called “Blast”.
For each Momentum spent, the weapon strikes an additional target within the blast’s range, starting with the one nearest to the initial target.
That requires several points of Momentum to actually get everyone in a small group like a Mob.
In Infinity it is similar for the “Area” quality:
For each Momentum spent, the attack strikes an additional target within the blast’s range, starting with the one nearest to the initial target.
That means, in both predecessors of Conan, MC3 and Infinity, Area damage needed Momentum to actually hit more than one target.
The damage is rolled only once.
Anyone able to make a Reaction can try at D2 to avoid the effect - Minions, Mobs, Squads will be hit automatically.
I wonder why the developers changed the mechanical handling of Area damage in Conan?
The attack automatically affects any target within Reach of the initial target, and then one additional target within Close range for each Effect rolled, starting with the next closest target (at the gamemaster’s discretion if it is not obvious).
In MC3 an Infinity the damage dice had 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, Effect, so half the number of Effects compared to the Conan combat dice. So in Conan to get other targets than in the immediate vicinity of the primary target, within Reach, you need Effects, in MC3 and Infinity you need Momentum.
But in MC3 and Infinity you need Momentum for those targets within Reach, too.
That is the main difference, that every target within Reach of the primary one gets automatically hit, no matter how much Momentum or Effects are generated.
I read the “attacking groups” paragraph to treat a Mob or Squad as a single “creature” for action economy and applying damage and conditions. The primary target, a single designated character in a Mob or Squad, will receive the area damage first, then it will propagate as normal for such a group - the Squad leader being damaged last.
Mobs and Squads are wiped out quite quickly already without Area quality attacks, so I don’t see the need to speed up this process.