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Ok, as an introduction, I’m new to this game and the forum here. I have been playing for years and have been Gming off and on for a while. My normal preferred game is Troll Lord Game’s C&C and other derivatives of the siege engine.
My normal Monday night internet group mentioned maybe wanting to try a Sci Fi game some time in the future, and then I saw the Bundle of Holding on the Star Trek, so I bought it to give the rules a look over in case the group wants to try it.
I’ve never played an 2d20 based games, so I’m still trying to wrap my head around the rules, but they do look intuitive enough that I can muddle through them easy enough. I do like the idea of building momentum and your successes being able to help the rest of the group out down the road. That and virtues and determinations . I’m sure I’ll have questions on them, but I do like the idea of them in the game.
Now for the setting, I will admit I’m probably an oddity around here. I did grow up loving the original series of Star Trek, and then in high school I liked the Next Generation. However, I went into the military before the end of that series, and I was in a unit that had a high training and deployment rate later on, so I saw very little of Deep Space and even less of Voyager. So a lot of the background in the setting, and the cannon being discussed here, is foreign to me. Heck I had to do a wiki search to even figure out who the Cardassian and the Dominion was while reading the setting info in the book.
With that, if ask anything completely noobish that is common knowledge to most here, please forgive me in advance.
Now that the intro is taken care of.
Assuming that I am the one picked to DM for the group if we ever do switch from our current game, what are the must have things that help new GMs and players as they learn the game (outside of the main book of course) ? Are there any key GM and player aids or hand outs that are clutch that you suggest for new players? I do have the entire bundle of holding package, so there is a lot I do have, but I’m still trying to gork the rules and haven’t delved into anything else yet. If they are in the bundle, what are they, and if there is more out there than what is in the bundle, where can I find it.
Also, are there any must have resources you all use outside of what is in the Bundle of Holding package ? Things like ship lay outs/maps, world summaries, NPC sources and idea minds – either cannon or non cannon.
Oh yeah, the by the book setting. With it being set in 2371, and there being so many things going on or on the edge of kicking off, it is more than I can handle trying to learn the setting from my limited background. However, one of my favorite Next Generation episodes was when the Enterprise C came through the time anomaly, and then went back to sacrifice themselves to stop the alternate time line’s long Klingon war. I always like the idea of having a game around that time frame where the Klingon and Star Fleet were stepping back from the brink of war and learning to become … not enemies … (It reminds me of when I was a new Airman and we hosted some Russians , then years later when my unit did lots of training with Czech and other old Eastern Block forces).
With that, what would I need to set the game in that era instead of by the book? I know the rules will be the same, and the races introduced in the Next Generations and later aren’t present. However, what else will be changed. Of course the lare ships will also be absent, but I think I can muddle through some google searches to find ships from that time frame (think being key there att). Even with that though, what are key events in cannon from that time frame that I would need to know about.
Oh yeah, with my mindset from the military, I will have to change a little from normal ‘Star Trek’ mind set – The away team of the Captain and Chief Science and Medical Officer going down into complete unknowns and in danger. So, if I do run this, the group will probably be made up of Junior Officers or young NCOs instead of the ship Captain. That plus extra supporting characters to make an away team more realistic. With that, are there any major changes from btb I need to expect to come up as we play? Also, What are small ships that they would be assigned to when patrolling from a star base or on escort duty? Everyone knows the big ships like the Constitution , but it would be to easy for a group of Lts and Jr NCOs to get lost in a crowed 400 + crewed ship. So, if I’m going to change the focus down to a lower level, I’ll need ideas on the types of ships they would be able to operate on and shine on.