Intro Scenario for New Conan Players

Excited to run a game for some friend in the 2D20 Conan. Any suggestions? Would Pit of Kutullu be a good start?

I started reading the Conan Quickstart, with To Race the Thunder. That sounded like a great intro scenario!

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One of the best scenario to start is the Pit of Kutalu. Why?

  • Ship at sea
  • Storm and battle on the deck
  • Shipwreck
  • Secret island with jungles, crocodiles and other jungle animals
  • A cult with fish people
  • Big fish god in a well.

Quite exciting :slight_smile: I used this as start of my campaign and after this adventure we moved to the next one from the adventure book - Devils under green stars.


We did the same as Valyar’s group, first Kutallu, then Devils Under Green Stars. Worked well.

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I’ve run The Pit of Kutallu as one shot introductory games at a couple of RPG conventions now. Each time it was well received and I had fun running it. Gives a good ‘Howardian’ feel.

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I started them with Vultures of Shem in the core rulebook. Also a great scenario that begins in the aftermath of a great battle.

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I have decided to run Pit of Kutallu for my group. How long does is usually take to run? When reading the scenario, it seemed short like maybe a 2 to 3 hour scenario.

I started with that one as well. We managed to get character creation done and get to them getting to the ruined city before having to end our session which ran about 4 and a half hours all told. We probably only actually played for an hour and a half of that time. So I would say that yeah 2 to 3 hours seems about right.

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I’ve run the scenario a couple of times using pre-gen characters. It took a little under three hours one time and about four hours the second (although I added a couple encounters the second time).

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We finished the Pit of Kutallu in 4 sessions with the introduction and the transition to the next adventure. My players roleplay and as this was part of campaign we didn’t approach the game as it was convention scenario and just move from one encounter to the next using skill checks. The game was online in Fantasy Gorounds with less time than we are used to in face to face games.

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I’ve run Pit of Kutallu a couple times. If your group is quick on picking things up then it can be run in 2-3 hours. I’ve also run with a group that got really into roleplaying things and it took two 6 hours sessions.


I just ran Pit yesterday, and it took us about 6 hours. This is with a group with pre-built characters (or using pregens), and who previously played one other session.

I can also now say from experience that I do prefer the Thunder River scenario to the Pit of Kutalu. Thunder River is more clearly written and laid out, and has a more interesting plot (to me). And that’s not just due to the pregen Cimmerian being able to kill the beast in one single blow. YMMV

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