Hello @Warcorespondant! Welcome to the game! One of the great things about the Infinity 2d20 system that you’ll find is that once you wrap your head around it, it’s a very simple game system. Hacking a computer uses the same rules as firing a gun and the same rules as trying to persuade a guard to let you past.
Anyways, on to your questions. For dice, results of 1 and 2 add to your damage, and a roll of 6 is called an “Effect”. When an “Effect” is rolled, then any special rules from your weapon or ammunition are applied to the roll. The rules for this are found on page 99-100 under “Damage”.
When you are performing Aquisitions in the game, think of it as your purchase doing damage to your Cashflow. Your Cashflow is your hitpoints, your Earnings are your armor. If you suffer a “Wound” as a result of purchasing the item, that’s a “Shortfall”.
When you roll Infinity Dice to purchase an item, the Effect triggers the Tariff cost of the item, which is bad. This is explained on page 330.
For example, let’s assume you want to buy Armoured Clothing. First, you need to see if you can acquire the item. It is Restriction 2, which means you need 2 successes on a Lifestyle test to obtain it. You aren’t leaving for your mission until tomorrow, so you decide you can take all day to find it. So you increase the amount of time you’re taking to find the item from “minutes” to “hours” to decrease the difficulty from 2 to 1 (This is explained in the sidebar on page 330). You roll your Lifestyle and you get 1 success, so you succeed at finding the Armoured Clothing! Now you need to actually purchase it.
You have 12 Cashflow, and Earnings of 5. Armoured Clothing costs 6+1N with a Tariff of 1. So that means you roll 1 dice. If you roll a 1 or a 2, the cost goes up by that much. If you roll a 6, you apply the Tariff, which in this case is a 1. Let’s assume you roll unlucky and you get a 2. Then the total cost of the item is 8. Your Earnings acts as armor for this damage. So you subtract 5 from that, and your Cashflow is reduced by 3. Not enough for a Shortfall, so you can keep buying!
Hope that helps!