After a quick read of the expansion I gad a few questions/ observations.
Is there any advantage to having multiple “building structures” (hut, shelter, lodge) beyond a place to put small structures… Considering these can be expanded to 20 squares you could fit most into one building.
Expansion of structures. It specifically states expanding a “building” (hut, etc) changes it’s classification. Should expanding other structures have a benefit beyond more space for boost structures. For example if you double the size of a barracks structure would it count as two barracks?
Is/ should there be a limit on how large a starting force can be in Survival Mode?
In Survival mode should there be a minimum number or size of buildings to house your force. Let’s say you start with a force of 1000 caps and 9 models, only having a single hut for housing sounds wrong.
Modeling/ mapping your Homestead:
How to handle 2+ level buildings?
Overlapping structures: per rules you can not do it. Should you be allowed to add things like a watch rower on top of another building (maybe a second or higher floor)?
How about walkways over the top of a building. Prime example is the Gunners base in a junkyard where busses formed the outer wall. This could be represented in Homestead as a building (modeled as a bus) and a barricade (settlement wall) on one side, plus a walkway on top of the bus. You could then put a Guard Post on the walkway.
Given that Homestead is a narrative product, it isn’t always about playing for advantage. A player might decide to have multiple building structures for nothing more than the aesthetic value. There is also the matter of options. Each build structure has different amounts of doors and a different size. We also have to consider the structures when the Homestead on the table. A one building settlement would be far less interesting to fight over than a properly build town.
Nope. Expanding a single barracks would not count as two barracks. It still only counts as one. The only reason the Extensions section refers to Huts etc and how they can change structure type is due to the differing number of doors between the types of Building Structures.
Your starting force can be any size in Survival Mode.
There is no minimum number of size of buildings in your Settlement for Survival Mode.
I would use different colors to shade in the building to denote how many floors it has and then have a key reference at the side of your map to indicate floor heights to colors.
Placing a Watchtower on another building would count as overlap, so it could not be done.
Walkways and the like are not structures, so could be placed on buildings.
It is worth keeping in mind though that this just governs the rules side of Homestead. Although the rules prevent you from having a proper Watchtower on top of another building, there is nothing preventing you from modelling your settlement in such a way that a building has a small outpost on the roof. In fact, it is positively encouraged.
I posted this in the discord, but I’ve printed out my first “Hut” for Homestead. The Sanctuary Hills stl set seems a bit overscaled for the models, but at 70% scale it looks more realistic and is almost a perfect fit for the homestead grid.
For Survival Mode, I haven’t started my run yet but, I was thinking that since a Settlement Scenario can have 200+250 per land = 450 caps worth of defenders defending it, that either 450 or 500 would be a good number to start with. It’s also around a good number of individuals who would likely be trying to settle down, so it seems like a decent baseline.