FAQ and Errata Thread

It is nebulous. But very much by design. Im certain the Toolkit will give some examples. But, this is certainly something that should be easier for Old-hats to pick-up than new DMs. Its strenght is in that it can be modified on the fly.

As a player you got just gatta run with it and trust your DM has the best interests of the party at hand (otherwise why are you playing with them).

As a DM, your goal is to prepetuate the game in favor of the players, so you jsut need to ensure consitancy. The Zone system may be difficult to grasp for “rule-lawyer” type players. but it allows you to repbalance as encounters are generated and doesnt require reliance on board visibility like say 3.5\PF

Side Note: I also just posted an ecounter map with a zone division in my HB topic ([Homebrew] Welcome to The Dominion - #9 by ComradeCannon)