Conan at RPG Alliance Con Online

Friday November 17th I’ll be running two adventures from my Moon Beast Trilogy at RPG Alliance Con. Go on a quest to save the goddess Yelaya… and then gt sent on a quest to save the whole world.
Ghoul River tickets can be selected at
Owl in the City rickets are at
Get your tickets while you can. I’m probably going to retire these adventures after this show.

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Only 2 seats left for Conan: Ghoul River, online this Friday (Nov 17) at 8:00am MST (UTC-7); UK friendly!

Traveling through Keshan in the Southern Kingdoms you’re hired to travel across the nation, through savannahs and jungles to reach the fabled Golden Falls, where a foul sorceress form Punt plans to learn from a demon of the Outer Dark to learn how to kill the goddess Yelaya. Can you save the goddess?

Online badges only $5USD (+TTE fees and possible currency exchange fees) for 2 days of online gaming (Nov 17 & 18)!

  • All games are included in badge cost
  • Charity events
  • Giveaways!

Crom might not care, but you should!