Hi - I am currently writing a one-shot adventure for the Dune RPG called IMPERIAL MEASURES. It is set about ten years before the events of the Dune novel, and the players take the roles of an imperial investigator and associates, sent to Arrakis to locate a missing noble, but things are not what they seem. During this period is the spaceport at Arakeen still the main arrival point on the planet, or would players more likely fly to Carthag first, given that this is the Harkonnen seat of power? Thanks.
I would assume that the primary spaceport would be Cathage. If only so the Harkonnens can try and exert more control over who is coming and going.
Arakeen may be more of an industrial spaceport for the export of Spice. Which makes it more popular for smugglers trying to slip shipments in amongst legitimate cargo further from the Harkonnen gaze.
Fab thanks - I’ve written a scene where the PCs have to attend a dinner with a senior figure in the Harkonnen chain of command, and navigate the evening without offending their ‘hosts’.
My take is that Carthag is the seat of government and therefore the primary port of entry BUT certain traffic, with the correct authorisation, might directly transfer to/from Arakeen. Particularly anything involved in spice harvesting or trade.
Yup, thats an interesting question and I like Thalim’s answer there too.
I’d be included to believe Arrakeen is the main port as it has more space.
But maybe Carthag is more secure so people pay a premium to use that, which is just want the Harkonnnen want.