Armour on barsoom?

Do Baroomians have any armour or is it something that contradicts their code of honor?
I otherwise thought that the War (battle) harness could give protection and act as armour, which gives 1 in protection :slight_smile:
What do you think about it - good or bad?

You see helmets commonly in illustrations but in the books if I recall correctly shields are only used ceremonially and as wall decorations

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Okay so it’s a lot of decoration and ritual stuff … I like the old illustrations on the barsoomians helmets :slight_smile: Wondering how Jarsoomians look at this, and if they might want to introduce their cultural military system - to introduce armour !? or if they become fully immersed in the barsoomian culture and completely ignore the armour !?

The Adventures of John Carter took place roughly between 1875 & 1940, when body armour was not really in battlefield use on Earth.


Plus all them guns probably make normal armour useless.


Yeahh . you are so right about the battlefields use on Earth ! Great Point.
But this is in corebook page 161 :open_mouth:
Some red Martian lumber cutters hunt
the arbok for its hide, which, when tanned, makes
durable harnesses and footwear. The arbok’s inner
skin is tough and leathery. Smooth, bony plates
along flanks and belly protect its vital organs.

Not true. WW I saw the return of the metal helmet metal body armor on both UK and German forces.

They had minimal armor in the movie, but it was about as effective as stormtrooper armor from Star Wars. :rofl:


It seems pretty uncommon. I’d probably say its uncommon enough that if you want it to be more than narrative positioning for descriptions and cosmetic then you purchase talents to represent it because it’s a unique facet of your character. That’s just how I’d run it though because I don’t have any interest in introducing new mechanics to the game that I assume were left out because it was the right choice to achieve the theme/genre/style that the game is meant to evoke.

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The answer is very simple: Armour is unkown on Barsoom.

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I’d give any effective Armor on Barsoom the dishonorable trait and have it trigger anytime it soaks damage.

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Perhaps Armor does exist on barsoom, but it has become taboo since it was last used many ages past.

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