Let’s say a character with Born in the saddle as career talent has 10-12 Personality while Intelligence was dumped big time to a wooping 5 (using the option ‘’ shadow of the past ‘’).
After a while, our hero is now proficient with those talents (he, of course, meets all the prerequisites )
– Born in the saddle Rank 3
– Animal healer
– Charge
– Eyes in the forest
– Speak to wild
– Anatomist
– Chirurgeon
– His animal companion is a small monkey.
Now, correct me if i’m wrong, but this character can:
– perform any feat of healing allowed by his talents using his high Animal Handling skill (minimum 13) without any penalty (anatomist ‘‘compensate’’ for the Animal healer penalty) and he even has everthing he wants to actually beef up any roll if needed. He basically can become a famous healer with the intelligence attribute at 5.
– roll every observation test using his high Animal Handling skill
– perform an insane amount of actions with a difficulty reduced by one when he is riding his horse. If the horse is going faster than walking speed, that leaves only a handful of actions he can perform, but they can still be very useful (like observing or any kind of animal handling test that would apply)
– and now, the most broken thing i’ve seen so far in this game : outside of any combat scene, unless circumstances are unfavorable, you can basically resplenish the momentum common pool at will…by asking your little monkeys to perform ‘’ tricks’'…it takes a minute to ask your faithful companion to perform a task, which will generate a lot of momentum with the help of your 3 ranks of Born in the saddle. One or two of these tricks (all performed within 5mn) and your pool is at 6.
Now, please, tell me that i got that wrong, at least for the last part…