Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

yeah true there are definatly some weaker ones. even some of the weaker ones though often have good ideas. but yeah it’s sporadic, the Gamma Quadrant/DS9 stuff was just horriably weak and ended too fast, all so they could rush into their even weaker discovery material


That’s a lot clearer now - thank you!

When is this scheduled again? Brain fog settled in…

Scroll down a bit, on the right side.

Thanks kindly. We’re moving, and I’ve reached the point in the process where my brain has stopped working and I kinda want to saw off my own arm.

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Okay, so this is out Julyish. It’s currently for the most part Juneish. It’s getting to be Sneak Peek time, guys! :smile:

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Anyone heading to UK Games Expo? That’s where I’d drop any sneak peaks if I was involved in this production

At least where I am, it is now July. But I do not see any item on the Release Schedule on the Modiphius Website. So… does this mean that there is a delay? Or just that a release date has not yet been decided on?

I second this!

Date please. I need to prep for the next campagin


Yeah, I would be happy to get my hands on the AlphA Quadrant :slight_smile:

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No delay, folks, there’ll be more news in a couple of weeks. I understand you’re keen but we want to get our marketing and PR all in a row before going public.


Thanks for timing it so well - I’ll be off teaching for a couple of weeks and plan to be spending plenty of time planning for my game just about then.

Hopefully it will be available at GenCon.

It sure feels like we have been teasered all to hell on this one… at least it’s not going to cause my players to regen in two weeks…

Saw the thread title and figured it was time to call the FLGS and see if they had an arrival date set. They have confirmed the distribution date as August 15, but, as the staffer I spoke to indicated, this is essentially when the clock starts ticking; the actual point of arrival could be anywhere between the middle to the end of August.

The person spoken to also indicated that Alpha Quadrant is the only STA work currently on line with regard to any set publication, at least as far as their records go. In any case, I’ve put myself down on the distribution list, so at least I’ll be called when it comes in. Again, hoping that Modiphius takes it upon themselves to start putting together species/empire-specific books in future; one of the other threads offering pretty much an open invitation for potential writers to give it a shot with the company bodes well with regard to the game’s livelihood.

As before, all congratulations and thanks to Modiphius’ Dev crew for putting together a game where accumlation of experience points, level advancement, and consistent, predictable skill improvement is an issue far behind story-telling. Looking forward to seeing more soon.


July 25, according to their Facebook page.


Huzzah! Just in time! :tada:

More info at the Modiphius press release too.

Note that the section of the press release that talks about the living campaign is an error. I’m working to have that bit fixed.


Does the “encompass” within said passage maybe should read something like “foreshadows”? It would be a shame if the Living Campaign would be cancelled.

I do indeed hope the part about Caitians being correct, though…

And, of course, also: Celebrations! Whoop-whoop! I just can’t wait!! :smiley:

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Well, sort of, I guess. Since the TNG portion of the LC starts in mid-2371 and continues forward in the timeline, the fact that the Alpha Quadrant book brings the game timeline up to 2372 when the Klingons and Federation find themselves at war again means the book could be used to add some spice to your LC assuming you carry it forward into 2372 as well. But, honestly, if you know the timeline, you could add events from 2372-2373 into your campaign anyway.

But that’s about as much connection there is between the LC and the Alpha Q book itself.

Caitians are in one of the promo pictures posted along with the press release. They’re a thing right meow in the game.