Advanced sorcerery talents

Could someone explain to me talents from advanced sorcerery?
Enchanter ‘enchantes’ an specyfic item… but description does not tell me what does it exactly mean?
It describes what can be enchanted, how others can discover it. From what i understand treasure becomes non-magical? Whats the purpose of it?

Curse and everlasting sorcerery is the same, but one for magic and the other one for item?
But what exactly it does? I cast a spell, and then can activate it whenever I want without making action and sorcery test? Or what?
Those talents are quite ambigiously described

Is it like:
Enchanter = binds a spell to an iren for a 1x cast as Standard Action without casting it again
Everlasting Sorcery = binds a spell to object to cast it once per scene, without casting it?
Curse = same as previous but on living creature?