Published Adventure Suggestion for a House focused on Espionage

This will be my first time learning and running Dune (with players who are new as well). We are starting a new campaign…and I generally like to use a published adventure before branching out on my own.

The group created a nascent house focused on espionage. I was wondering if anyone could recommend an adventure focused on this kind of theme?

Kernels of Doubt is probably the most Espionage focussed published adventure I think.

If you have Masters of Dune then Chapter 7: The Bene Gesserit could be a possibility and is fairly easy to fit into a campaign.
Chapter 3: The Emperor is also Intrigue/Espionage focussed, but is fairly plot connected so would need a fair amount of work to insert elsewhere.

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Thank you! I bought the bundle a few months back…so I will check out these suggestions!