Want more experienced Infinity players to check my math on a recent attack.
Have a PC use a Coax attack on an NPC which succeeded. The chart indicates a Coax attack results in 1+4CD damage. PC adds 2CD due to a high ability so 6 CD. Rolled a 6,6,6,6,4,6.
My understanding of this is that the PC did no damage since 6s are only effects and there don’t seem to be any effects associated with Coax attacks.
The standard damage is 1+4CD, in your PC’s case 1+6CD. Effects ("6"s) don’t do anything in standard Psywar attacks.
So your result is 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 1 point of Resolve damage.
In Infinity (as in Mutant Chronicles 3) the damage code has usually a fixed value (here the 1) and a variable value (expressed in damage dice). Any successful attack always causes at least the fixed value.
(BTW - in Conan and other 2d20 games where no fixed value is used, you can actually cause NO damage on a successful attack, but not in Infinity or Mutant Chronicles.)
FrankF - thanks much for the response and the clarification. The confirmation of no effects on Psywar attacks is what I was looking for.
Also, the five 6s threw me because I was looking for at least a 1 damage initially (Conan was my first 2d20 game). Will definitely modify my expectations.