Sorry if this has been answered before.
A pict attacks a pc. The pc parrys adding doom to the pool.
The pict rolls 2 successes. The pc rolls 4 successes.
The pc clearly parrys.
Does any momentum get added to the pool? If so how much?
Sorry if this has been answered before.
A pict attacks a pc. The pc parrys adding doom to the pool.
The pict rolls 2 successes. The pc rolls 4 successes.
The pc clearly parrys.
Does any momentum get added to the pool? If so how much?
I will assume that both rolls are made at D1, so there’s no issues with regards to visibility, Harms, etc.
The pict has generated 1 Momentum (because it’s one success higher than needed). The PC has generated 3. In a Struggle, the lower is amount is subtracted from the higher. So in this case, the PC has generated a net amount of 2 Momentum, which can be added to the pool as normal. (Assuming there’s enough space left in the pool, as only a maximum of 6 Momentum can be saved at any time, as per the core book page 102.)
Am I right in thinking that an exact success has little impact in a struggle? So if defender gets 1 success vs d1, it only does anything if the attacker also exactly hits their difficulty.
Sage: thanks.
That would be a tie. PCs win ties unless the gm pays a doom to win. ( if my learning the rules is correct)
That is exactly correct.
I get that. My point was that often it seems defence has no impact, even on a success. So if the attacker get 2 successes v difficulty 1, and the defender gets 1 v difficulty 1, the defence has no impact at all.
Even in the previous example with both sides exactly hitting their difficulty, a tie goes in the player’s favour by default, which means there is virtually no point weaker NPCs defending at all.
My point was that often it seems defence has no impact, even on a success. So if the attacker get 2 successes v difficulty 1, and the defender gets 1 v difficulty 1, the defence has no impact at all.
In this case, that’s true. However, this is only one of many possible outcomes. The attacker may as well have rolled 1 success, resulting on a tie. Or the defender could have won. It’s always a gamble and not a sure thing. If you want to improve your odds, buy additional d20s.
Even in the previous example with both sides exactly hitting their difficulty, a tie goes in the player’s favour by default, which means there is virtually no point weaker NPCs defending at all.
What are “weaker” NPCs? Minions can’t defend anyways. And Toughened opponents are usually not that weak. Also, as a GM you can spend 1 Doom to win a tie. And if you really want to defend, spend a few Doom for extra d20s.
Personally, I rarely defend with NPCs (unless it is really fitting the narrative) because I don’t want to drag out combat unnecessarily long.
I like the idea of breaking ties against the player with a doom point. Could you tell me what page of the book that’s on because apparently I overlooked it. Thanks.
Page 98.
“In the case of a tie, a player character wins, unless the gamemaster spends 1 point of Doom.”
I didn’t realise minions can’t defend. Where’s that in the rules?
I suppose I just begrudge it being common that a die result will make no difference, particularly given you often have to pay for defence with Doom, in a game which otherwise has a very enjoyable level of detail.
Plus if defence had difficulty 0, it would eliminate the issue entirely, meaning that every success in Melee would make a difference to the outcome. (but would probably make defence overly strong, admittedly).
Page 305: “Minions cannot attempt Reactions, and they cannot sacrifice armor or shields to ignore Wounds.”
Toughened opponents in a Squad also can not defend.
Much appreciated, I can’t believe I missed that part.
Although one important rule. Minions can ( for one doom) block an attack meant for another.
So they can die in their droves to give your sorceror/ big nemesis a longer shelf life.
E.g. you have to hack your way passed all the minions before you can get to their leader.
I noticed some people in reviews mentioning the final bosses were often shot in round 1. This would stop that.