The idea of playing a Liberated Borg from the Voyager Characters supplement does seem fun, for myself or my players if I’m GMing. However I was curious what the justification is for the Assimilation Tuboles having such high damage and debilitating effects. Surely someone who isn’t part of the Borg Collective anymore wouldn’t be pumping actual nanites into anyone. What sort of justification should I use for it if I or one of my players goes with one of the Cybernetic Arm upgrades?
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Why not? Borg Nanites have been used as a plot device multiple times, their purpose ranging from being weaponised to being used as a cure for otherwise incureable diseases. Also, they can be used to connect to technology – imagine out-of-control robots/androids or stuff like that that would actually resist connection (vulcan mind meld on technology).
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Mmm. Guess I hadn’t considered the idea of a Federation member using what’s essentially a futuristic chemical weapon, lol