How can I remove momentum and threat and change the task mechanic

@Linklite See also this thread.
Speaking in terms of the GNS theory we have an S-heavy gamer playing an N-heavy game with the G-elements streamlined to support the N-focus, sometimes blatantly ignoring S-plausibility. Does not always work. :person_shrugging:

@Shadowblayde as @Shran adequatly put, the narrative currencies (Momentum, Threat, Determination) are the core mechanics of the 2d20 system. Omitting the currencies and changing task resolution would mean, frankly speaking, to play a completely different game.

Which is completely fine and nobody here will be offended or question your respect for the developers or your love of Star Trek. Sometimes something is just not one’s cup of tea.

Yet, if the core mechanic of 2d20 isn’t your style of play, you might want to look into other incarnations of Star Trek TTRPGs. There’s been a few.

Another approach would be to reflect on what you actually like about the 2d20 system, in the next step trying to put emphasis on these aspects, tweaking Momentum/Threat/Determination only so much.

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