Command Division jobs

Could you please blur out any spoilers for Star Trek: Picard, even though this one is just minuscule? Thanks :vulcan_salute:


Sheā€™s been shown in the adverts, @Shran.

But she could be a Vulcan.

Iā€™m not getting into a discussion about what is considered a spoiler and what isnā€™t. As I said, this one is a very tiny spoiler (if at all), but I donā€™t think it is unreasonable to ask someone nicely not to discuss details from a new Star Trek show on the same day the episode comes out (at least here in Germany).

If you wonā€™t do it, Iā€™m just going to stay clear of the forums until I watched the episode. Thatā€™s no problem at all.


I agree with @Shran. I saw the premiere for free on YouTube because CBS put it up there, but other than that, I do not have a way to watch Star Trek: Picard currently. This show, more than Discovery, is one that I would very much like to watch without getting any spoilers.

It is not an unreasonable request to hide spoilers within posts on the forum, regardless of the how much of a spoiler you may feel it to be.


Yes, please, lets hide spoilers, even miniscule ones.


Thirded - the character may not be a spoiler, but their identity isā€¦

Yeah, I bet the engineering grunts really love when some command clown comes down to the lower decksā€¦

Which is why he was so poor at giving orders, he was an engineer first and foremost.

"Regarding Commodore Stone,ā€¦ "
Besides, costuming only had a red tunic that would fit himā€¦

Actually, they would throw a guest star in with a different color than the rest of the bridge crew so they are more easily differentiated.
They did the same thing with Commodore Decker by putting Kirk in the dress green tunic.

In my games Command Branch officers do the following: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Helm Officers ā€“ the obvious, additionally: Judge Advocate Officers, Intelligence Administration Officers, First Contact Specialists, Diplomatic Attaches, Strategic Operations Officers, Fleet Liaison Officers, Crisis Response Team Leaders / Rapid Response Team Leaders. The junior officers ā€“ Midshipman, Ensigns, typically serve as Yeoman, Department Administration Coordinators (assisting Department and Division heads with their administration duties on larger vessels) and Deck and/or Watch officers as well as Quartermasters, and Supply/Logistics officers.

As for Enlisted:
Administration Specialist: Administration Specialists serve as Yeoman to senior command officers, administrative assistants to Department Heads of other branches on larger ships or facilities, and make up the bulk of the personnel at major command and coordination facilities such as those that support Fleet Admirals, the Joint Chiefs and Starfleet Liaison offices.

Diplomatic Technician: Primarily serving in support roles for Diplomatic officers and First Contact missions, Diplomatic Technicians prepare briefs for diplomatic and contact missions; prepare and maintain portfolios on diplomatic missions and specific individuals; and serve as mission specialists to support missions where a Diplomatic Officer or Ambassador is unavailable.

Logistics Specialist: These crewmen function in place of or in support of a Logistic Officer. Their duties include procurement and disbursement; managing storage of supplies; and banking and currency exchange operations when necessary.

Paralegal Specialist: These crewmen work exclusively under the JAG department handling support work for the JAG Officers. Sometimes they are sent to brief other departments about developing situations or coordinate between JAG officers and Security Operations.

Personnel Specialist: These crewmen focus on maintaining individual service records, facilitate services for dependents or attached civilians, proctor exams and requests for advanced training school placement, and act as trainers and cadre at programs such as the Academy.

On top of that, I have the senior NCO aboard the vessel put on a Red Shirt and go under the title Chief of the Boat, regardless of their branch of origin. Hope that helps!


Many yeomen are petty officers like Janice Rand, who got her comission three years before the events of Star Trek VI.

I have Petty Officers serving as Yeoman on smaller vessels like a Saber, as you can see that is listed under the Administration Specialist in the Enlisted Command Branch jobs I provided. As for Yeoman Rand ā€“ I am leaning to disagree with you only because as I understood the old Lore (and this may have been changed) All the people serving on the Constitution Enterprise were officers, no Enlisted at all. But either way, as I said, I agree Enlisted can do the job as shown above. Peace.

I know that Roddenberry said that there are only officers on Constitution class vessels but there some episodes in which chiefs and crewmen were explicit mentioned as part of the Enterprise crew. And if you have them the whole idea of a crew full of ensigns flies straight out of the window!
The idea that yeomen were enlisted is based on the script of the TOS episode ā€œCharlie Xā€ which mentions a yeomen 3rd class and the fact that Janice Rand was a chief (and NOT and ensign) in TMP.
I know that we have a junior officer as yeoman in TFF but in my opinion that is one of the many costume errors the later TOS movies are full of.

Thereā€™s also the small piece of background evidence that ā€œyeomanā€ as a role, is a US Navy concept - and is specifically one of the many specialty titles for enlisted petty officers in that service. They provide admin services for the command staff (along with all the usual office roles). Iā€™d actually put them in the Command division, but they could just as easily be Operations, especially if you use the movie-era services department.

Rand is actually one of the few personnel we see following a realistic career path: when she first appears, she is specifically addressed as Yeoman, which is a Petty Officer title, then she becomes a Transporter Chief (Chief Petty Officer), and finally, attends the Academy to become a full officer by the later movies (Oā€™Brien would not have approved).

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He really would notā€¦
Why did she went to the Academy if she had already had become Master Chief (as seen in TVH)?

I may be wrong (!) but I donā€™t believe many modern services allow a promotion directly from enlisted rank to commissioned officer without some kind of intermediate training (although I know this was common in the 19th century).

As an enlisted individual, her experience would have been both specialised (back to the enlisted specialties again, although she obviously held more than one) and restricted to certain arenas (mostly shipboard), although many of the relevant skills might be higher than an equivalent experience commissioned officer. Officers (especially in Starfleet) would have a much broader slate of skills, from several departments, and including a number of things non-commissioned officers would not use.

A ā€œconversionā€ course of some description would be required to bring her up to the basic standard for commissioned officers, and this would probably be held at the Academy or an approved outlet. When done, sheā€™d be better than most commissioned officers in some areas, and equivalent to an Ensign in others. Iā€™m not saying sheā€™d do the full four years, but at least six months and maybe twelve?

I was watching Balance of Terror the other day, and noticed all the fire control officers, or phaser crews, (Tomlinson, Martine, and everyone around them) wearing gold. Command division also includes the department we never really see called Ordnance, which would be responsible for logistics. Command division could also include shuttle pilots.

It was quite hazy in TOS. I think the goldshirts were basically what the US Navy seems to call unrestricted line officers - which definitely includes weapons. In later Starfleet, tactical seems to come under security.

Edit - actually, even in later TOS, weapons fire was the responsibility of the conn officersā€¦ So definitely a change by TNG :slight_smile:

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But under Security/Operations for the Earth Starfleet, Malcolm Reed.