Hi all,
So, here we are getting ready to play Dune. We are all pretty avid Dune fans (and avid Modiphius players) and we have some questions.
Player starting assets: Do these all start at Quality 0? If so, how does my Fremen player have a Quality 0 crysknife? The rules are specific that crysknives are always at least Quality 1. Are starting assets supposed to be speacial, or “just to start you off” type things?
Asset Requirement: I understand that having an asset obviously makes engaging in a Challenge either 1) easier, or 2) possible. However, does that mean that my Fremen player, who has no social assets, will not be able to engage in Social Challenges? Actually, I think I know this one but I’m looking for other points of view.
Thanks for any input I can get.