2e core rules update

Today, I received an email telling me there was a new version of the 2e core rules available. Yet, it seems to be an identical PDF (so sayeth the Blake3 Hash).
What was changed? :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

Moreover, I had ordered a collector’s edition physical book (these are amazing btw!), yet received a standard cover as PDF. Not that it’s anywhere near important, but the Captain’s Log PDF’s cover corresponded to the printed version. Any plans to implement this with the 2e core rules?

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2e character sheets were updated to replace Resistance with Protection.

No plans to create new digital files for the 2e core rulebook with different covers. Everyone gets the standard PDF. Collector’s edition covers are print only.

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No gonna lie: that had been a source of confusion for me.


The free downloads page has 2E errata now, right?

Yep. Wait for the page to load.

Was the core rules PDF itself updated? I’ve just redownloaded and it’s still 1.0 with Resistance on the character sheet.

Not yet. Work in progress as the internal graphic design team has bandwidth to add errata to the core book file. Probably will release a revision in January.

Thanks for the update!

Question about Combat:

  • Usually the difficulty to shoot you with a phaser is 2.
  • If you actively defend, you make that an Opposed roll.
  • By defending as per RAW the difficulty to hit you could be even easier that 2 if your roll when defending is bad.

Should we add a lower limit to difficulty of 2 when you defend against a ranged attack?

For shooting, I don’t think there’s an “active defence” as such, but it does become Opposed if the defender is in Cover.

Wrt your question, you are correct, but I do think it would be reasonable for the attacker’s target to be the higher of either the original difficulty or the defender’s roll (2 in this case).

It’s either that, or a defender rolling 1 has succeeded in hiding amongst the rocks, but their backside is still clearly visible…