Hiw many Houses Minors

Hi all. Abouthow many Houses Minor do you thing would belong to a House Major under the Faufreluches systemand how many is too many, For that matter how many would be expected to share a planetary Fief? Thoughts?

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There are a couple of factors which give you an answer somewhere between 2-20… :laughing:

Going by the book a Minor House should control about a third a planet, Nascent Houses can be much smaller. That gives you about 2-4 Houses per planet, or 1 per moon.

House Majors have at least 1 planet, but several are mentioned as having more (House Taligari has a whopping 9 planets, 7 of which are habitable). So even if they control their homeworld directly there is plenty of of space for more House Minors.

Personally I have run more Minor Houses per planet than suggested.
My first campaign had 4 House Minors and a Nascent House on Cheruf, when I expanded it to the Homeworld of their Major House, Ezharian, I added a further 3 Houses on their Homeworld and another on a remote moon.
That gives you 9 House Minors on a 2 planet/1 moon House Major.

Of these the Nascent House only controlled a small city and it’s environs, while 2 of the House Minors had fairly small volume of land (1 was an island chain, while the other controlled several large cities on the Homeworld)

The below map shows Cheruf from my campaign and the House Minor borders.

Cheruf for Count Thalim VTT res full social media edition

Thank you. Thats hany info.

The Dune Wiki lists 23 for House Corrino…
but all share the Corrino Surname. They’re various subsets of House Corrino across quite a bit of time. It’s more likely that the Corrinos minor are maybe 3-5 at a time, and are probably appointed by the current head of Corrino-Major to some of the dozen worlds in their fief (Of which, only Salusa Secondus remains theirs after the Rise of Muad’dib… Corrin IV is taken from them…)

It lists two for Harkonnen: Pardee and Rabban. Glossu Rabban is a noble in his own right, represented in the Landsraad separately from the Harkonnen via the regional circles votes… a valuable asset to the House Major. In one of the novels, it’s noted that Abilurd is retired to a minor house that is cadet to House Harkonnen - that is, it’s a specific lineage that was once fully within the major house, but has become autonomous within limits.

Note that the house management rules (see The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad, p85) provide some good methods… 2-3 is typical for a house major.