Adversary Hadvar's ability?

Does adversary Hadvar (and by default anyone with a similar ability) benefit from their own ability at the end of their activation?

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Not sure if there’s an explicit mention of this in the rules. It’s an interesting one; I’d be tempted to say ‘yes’ unless the rule specifies ‘other models within x range’ with the precedent set by Aura spells that the casters are included (i.e. they’re in range of themselves).

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Thanks for the response. Yeah, that makes sense and also seems to fit the intent from similar abilities on the character cards. I’ve been playing that he does, but wasn’t sure if there may have been a balance issue, etc. Thanks again :blush:

Hey @AceRimmer

@JimmyW is correct. Hadvar’s ‘Hold the Line’ would trigger on himself, as he is considered to be within 3 inches of himself.


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Perfect, many thanks for the confirmation. I take it, unless otherwise stated, that this is the rule of thumb for any similar abilities?

Hey @AceRimmer

Yup, that’s a good rule of thumb to go with.

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Great, thank you :slight_smile: